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Say Goodbye to Ingrown Toenails with These Expert Tips


Updated: Jan 11, 2023

A physical pain in the foot can result from an ingrown toenail. However, if you have the right knowledge and take the right precautions, you can avoid them and have lovely, healthy toes.

Let's first discuss the reasons of ingrown toenails. They develop when the toenail's corner or side burrows into the skin, resulting in redness, discomfort, and perhaps even infection. A major cause of ingrown toenails is improper nail-cutting technique, which includes trimming nails too short or rounding off the corners. But fear not—by simply cutting your nails straight across and leaving a small white edge, you may easily avoid this issue.

Not paying enough attention to your feet might also result in ingrown toenails. The skin of your feet has to be exfoliated frequently in order to stay smooth and healthy, much like the skin on your face. Ingrown toenails can be caused by calluses, which can be avoided by doing this. To remove dead skin, use a pumice stone or foot file, and moisturizer can keep your feet nice and supple.

Finally, maintaining good cleanliness is important for avoiding ingrown toenails. Make sure to change your socks frequently and to keep your feet dry and clean. To keep your feet fresh and airy if you tend to perspire a lot, it's a good idea to alternate between closed-toe shoes and sandals.

Now suppose you follow all of these instructions but still develop an ingrown toenail. Not to worry! With a little TLC, most ingrown toenails may be handled at home. Warm water and Epsom salts might help soften the skin and lessen irritation on the affected toe. Utilizing an antibiotic ointment can aid in infection prevention. Additionally, you can use a sterile needle to gently pull the corner of the toenail if the discomfort is too great.

But it's advisable to get professional help if your toenail is seriously infected, swollen, or hurting a lot. The ingrown toenail section can be removed by a podiatrist, who can also offer advice on how to avoid it from happening again. Ingrown toenail pain is something we specialize in treating here at Hey Cali. Using our services will save you more money!

Ingrown toenails can be quite uncomfortable, but with the right care, you can prevent them. Keep in mind to keep your feet clean and dry, to trim your nails straight across, and to exfoliate them. If everything else fails, don't be afraid to seek expert assistance while displaying your lovely, healthy toes.

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